Sunday, March 23, 2008

>>>FYP...selamat tinggal

First of all, i would say that i am so so happy because today is my last day to take care of my FYP report. I just remembered that i need two months to complete this report. damn so long! =p. But anyway, this FYP made my final year becomes much more meaningful..although i need to stay at CICS lab almost every day until mid night. And now..i even haven't sleep yet..i didn't feel tired..didn't hungry..i just happy seeing my report almost complete. 98%...

pukul 5.24 pagi..dari lantai 10 flat cck. thanks RiN buat laptopnya =)
~||*@bay.kun..menanti paginya yang indah.


Anonymous said...


traktiran jadi dobel dong? selesai FYP dan dapet kerja? hehe

Jurezz said...
